I could never connect with this theory, between what people believe in the quest for the definitive answer, or the Doomsday feeling they had! Think of all the things that led you to believe, or you believed in - in the past few years - if the answer was always so easy. The reality is a hologram, from which you are a projection, practical experience.
The photon belt is a belief largely in connection with some parts of the New Age movement, a band of photons will collide with the earth and cause massive loss of electrical appliances.
There are a number of convictions in connection with the belt but they have some common elements. The first is that the Earth orbits the Pleiades cluster. This is not the case. The second is that a belt of photons also orbits of the cluster. Such a belt has been identified (and it is difficult to see how within the current understanding of the universe). The third is that the Earth will collide with this belt. A number of forecasts were considered to be the date of this conflict, yet were not correct.
The first appearance of the idea apparently was in an Australian UFO Magazine in 1981. He gained popularity after it was reprinted in the Australian Nexus magazine in February 1991.
Somewhere in the universe, there must be a star center (s) that everything revolves around. What will matter in this center, photon beams are emitted from the top and bottom poles.
Although our planet is a distance from the sun and the mid-band photons, which surrounds it, we will ultimately about the band. Some people say this is the end of the world, but this planet has the belt before. Electrons flow is not the same as the electronic devices on the planet will fail. Spiritually it is a transition point, but it is only a temporary window.
25 Aralık 2008 Perşembe
The Photon Belt - 2012
The photon belt is reportedly a band of intense photon light that is near Earth at this time. A photon is a quantum of light, or the smallest possible packet of light at a given wavelength. It is Emitted by an atom during a transition from one energy state to another. Photons - also called Quantum Light minute energy packet of electromagnetic radiation. The concept Originated (1905) in Einstein's explanation of the photo electric effect, in which he proposed the existence of discrete energy packets during the transmission of light. Earlier (1900), the German Physicist Max Planck had prepared the way for the concept by explaining that heat radiation is absorbed in Emitted and distinct units, or quanta. The concept came into general use after the U.S. Physicist Arthur H. Compton demonstrated (1923) the corpuscular nature of X-rays. The term photon (from Greek phos, photos, "light"), however, was not used until 1926. The energy of a photon depends on frequency radiation, there are photons of all energies from high-energy gamma-and X-rays, visible light through, to low-energy infrared and radio waves. All photons travel at the speed of light. Considered among the subatomic particles, photons are boson, having no electric charge or rest mass and one unit of spin, they are field particles that are thought to be the carriers of the electromagnetic field. As fundamental particles, photons travel at the speed of light and have mass and momentum dependent on their frequencies. By classical reasoning a photon would have the apparent dualistic property of being either a particle or a wave disturbance. That is, such phenomena as interference and diffraction require an interpretation in terms of the wave characteristics of photons, but such phenomena as the Photoelectric Effect require an interpretation in terms of the particle nature of the photon. Quantum mechanics is able to resolve this dilemma by Assigning Probabilistic characteristics to the motions of atoms and photons. The energy associated with an individual photon is quite minute. For instance, a photon in the visible spectrum would contain at energy of approximately 4 X (10 to the power of -19) joules. Thus, a perfectly efficient 100-watt light bulb would emit approximately 2.5 X (10 to the power of 20) photons per second. Light is electromagnetic radiation in the wavelength range extending from about 0.4 micron to about 0.7 micron, or, perhaps more properly, the visual response to electromagnetic radiation in this range. By extension, the term is frequently applied to adjacent wavelength ranges that the eye can not detect: Ultarviolet light, infrared light, and black light. In addition to wavelength, frequency, in hertz, and wavenumber in inverse units of length, are also used to specify and Designate the character and quality of the radiation. Associated with wavelength or frequency is the visual response of Color. The term monochromatic is applied to the idealized situation in which the light in a beam is all of one wavelength. Light is characterized not only by wavelength, essentially a temporal quality, but also by state and degree of polarization, a geometric or directional quality, and by intensity, essentially a physical quality. The visual intensity is a response to brightness. In the human visual system, at least, there is no counterpart response, to the state and degree of polarization, but ample evidence exists that certain arthropods - bees in particular - are sensitive to the state of polarization of sky light. There is some Speculation that certain Migrating birds may also respond to this quality of light. Light is further characterized by its degree of coherence. Coherence, closely related to the degree of polarization and to the degree of monochromaticity, refers to the ability of a beam of light to interferewith itself. Coherence is also in interferometric property of light. By the use of a Michelson interferometer, most light sources can be made to produce interference Fringes. These are clear when the length of the two arms of the interferometer are equal. As one arm is lengthened, however, the contrast of the Fringe is seen to decrease until they are no longer visible. Unfiltered light from Incandescent source wants to produce barely Fringes under any circumstances. Light from a mercury arc lamp to produce Fringes over a range of one or two centimeters. On the other hand, light from a continuous-wave laser gas has produced Fringes at a distance of over 100 meters. Therefore, light can be characterized by its degree of coherence or coherence length. Light is a transport of energy. It can be regarded both as a particulate flow and as a wave phenomenon. These two apparently diametrically opposed views have been brought together into a theory that combines the best features of each. The particulate unit is the photon, which has associated with it a central wavelength or frequency that determines (or is determined by) the amount of energy it contains. In a so-called monochromatic beam, the photons are all of the same energy and therefore have the same frequency. They can be made to Interfer, which indicates a high degree of coherence as well as a more or less uniform state of polarization. If the distribution of energy in the photons is more random, however, the beam will be less coherent and will have a lower degree of polarization. It is also convenient to think of light as propagating as Wavefront. These waves, like the crest of an ocean wave, are surfaces on which the phase relationship is constant. Unlike in ocean wave, a wavefront or surface of constant phase is unobservable and undetectable. Light may be considered as energy being transported in a train of Wavefront. The direction of propagation (except for anisotropic media) is in a direction perpendicular to the wavefront. Rays can be Conceived as Trajectories of photons. Light Production Light - like any other electromagnetic radiation, results from either of accelerating electric charge or a nuclear fusion or fission reaction. In nuclear reactions, a photon is created in the same manner as other elemental partial products of the reaction. With the exception of sunlight and starlight, however, light is usually the result of changes in the electronic structure of atoms and molecules as they Recently readmit and energy. The Incandescent electric light has as its light source the heat that results from the ohmic resistance of the filament to the electric current. A red-hot poker Recently heat directly from the fire resulting from the liberation of chemical energy. As the material in the filament or poker heats up, the atoms and molecules gain kinetic energy, which is realized by an increase in the number of collisions among the particles. Boiling off of some of the material is one mechanism that can be used to maintain equilibrium in temperature. Another mechanism is for the Electrons associated with the various atoms in the metal to move to higher energy levels. When they drop back to lower energy levels they emit a photon, keeping the temperature of the material more or less constant despite the fact that energy is continually supplied. The excess energy is as Emitted light. Another type of light source is energized plasma such as a gas flame or in a discharge tube such as a neon bulb. Although light is produced by a mechanism similar to thermal emission, the atoms are in a gaseous phase, and less random. The energy levels reached by the Electrons depend more on the electronic structure of atoms themselves, and therefore the Emitted photons tend to be clustered around specific wavelengths. The spectrum produced by such a source is not at all continuous but consists of lines or bands that are characteristic of the atoms or molecules in the gas. Highly monochromatic light can be obtained from this type of source, particularly if the light is filtered. The light has a much longer coherence length but is generally unpolarized. Another type of source is the laser. Two principles are involved in laser surgery. First, the lasing material is composed of atoms, or mixtures of atoms, that have a peculiar energy level structure. Recently energy as they, their Electrons move up to higher energy levels, tending to accumulate at certain metastable levels. This is called population inversion. There they remain until stimulated by a photon of the proper frequency. Then the Electrons drop to a lower energy level, emitting a photon of the same frequency and traveling in the same direction as the incident, stimulating photon. Because a single photon may stimulates the release of a large number of additional photons, the total number of photons is increased, thus increasing the intensity of the light within the medium. The process is referred to as gain. The second principle is the geometry of the laser itself. The laser can be regarded as a hollow tube, much like an organ pipe, which is tuned to the wavelength of the Emitted photons. The process can be visualized as a wavefront being reflected back and forth between the two ends of the laser, picking up more photons with each reflection. The portion of the light that is permitted to escape from the cavity is highly monochromatic, with a long coherence length. In some circumstances the laser output is highly Polarized. The historical development of a theory of light, at least from the 17th century on, involved two apparently contradictory descriptions. One concept was the corpuscular theory, which envisioned light as a stream, or flow of small particles. René Descartes modified this concept. He viewed as a light more pressure than as a flow - not as motion but as a tendency to motion. And since light was not motion it was not limited by a finite velocity. In other words, a beam of light required no time of transit. Pierre Fermat held a different view. He believed not only that light propagated at a finite velocity, but also that its particles or rays described Trajectories. Christiaan Huygens on the other hand, what a believer that light was a wave phenomenon. Light propagated at a finite velocity in the form of a moving disturbance, just as a water wave moves as a ripple on a smooth pond. As a ray of light passes across a surface from one medium to another (for example, from air to glass), its direction is changed - a phenomenon known as Refraction. The Law of Refraction, first discovered empirically by Willebrord Snell, then subsequently formally derived by Descartes and Fermat, states that sin r = K sin i, where i is called the angle of incidence, the angle between the incident ray and the normal (perpendicular ) To the refracting surface. The angle of Refraction, r, is the angle between the refracted ray and the surface normal. Fermat and Descartes agreed on the form of Refraction law, but they disagreed violently on the meaning of the constant K. K Fermat saw as being proportional to the reciprocal of the velocity of propagation. Descartes, even though he believed that the velocity of propagation which is infinite, concluded, on a different level of logic, that what K proportional to a velocity. The distinction is important because whether light speeds up or slows down as it passes into a dense medium determines the meaning of K. Two opposing points of view evolved. Descartes and Fermat were both proponents of a corpuscular theory; Huygens believed in a wave theory. He also obtained a proof of the Refraction law in terms of the existence of Wavefront, a construction now called Huygens's principle. If light is a wave phenomenon, then a medium is required. Sound waves travel through the air but not through a vacuum; ripples require a Watery medium. At first it was thought that air would be the medium that would support the propagation of light. The simple experiment of light shining through an evacuated jar, however, showed clearly that this theory was not correct. Theorist chose to hypothesize the existence of a medium called the ether. Experimental evidence to support the wave theory of light was particularly strong. Diffraction, the ability of light to bend around a sharp edge, certainly gave credence to the idea that light was a form of wave motion. Further support came with the discovery of polarization, which indicated that the undulation of a light wave were transverse to the direction of propagation and were not longitudinal, as were sound and water waves. Thus, if light was to be a wave phenomenon, the ether was required, and if so, then certain effects should be observed when a massive body passed through the ether. To detect such effects, telescope tubes were filled with water to determine the effect on starlight. No effect was observed. Experiments to detect ether to "drag" thus failed. On the other hand, James Bradley discovered stellar aberration in 1729 when he found that he had to aim his telescope a little in the direction of the Earth's motion ahead of the theoretical position of a star. This effect could be compared to a person in a Rainstorm Tilting his umbrella a little in front of him as he walks into the rain. Bradley's discovery supported a corpuscular theory, or at least it did not support the idea of an ether drag. But, it was postulated, if ether exists, then another observable phenomenon, ether 'drift' must therefore exist. If both the Earth and light are moving through the ether, then the velocity of light observed on the Earth would depend on the direction of observation. The ether was regarded as stationary, the Earth and other planets, the Sun and the stars, and light moved through it. By measuring the apparent velocity of light in various directions, one could determine the absolute velocity and direction of motion of the Earth. In the late 19th century AA Michelson and EW Morley (1838-1923) attempted to measure the absolute motion of the Earth through the ether. No. ether drift was observed. The conclusion was the Inconceivable notion that the velocity of light was constant and independent of the motion of the observer. This paradox led to Einstein's special theory of relativity, a cosmo logical theory of major significance.
The photon belt is reportedly a band of intense photon of light, the Near Earth at this time.
A photon is a quantum of light, or the smallest possible package of light at a particular wavelength. It is emitted from an atom in a transition from one energy state to another.
Photons - also known as Quantum Light Energy-minute package of Electromagnetic Radiation. The concept was born (1905) in Einstein's explanation of the photoelectric effect, in which he suggested the existence of discrete packets of energy during the transmission of light. Earlier (1900), the German physicist Max Planck had prepared the way for the concept to explain that the thermal radiation emitted and absorbed in different units, or Quanta.
The concept came into general use after the U.S. physicist Arthur H. Compton demonstrated (1923) the corpuscular kind of X-rays. The concept of photons (from the Greek Phos, photos, "light"), but was not used until 1926. The energy of a photon depends on the radiation spectrum, there are all the photons from high-energy gamma and X-rays, visible light through to the energy-infrared and radio waves. All photons travel at the speed of light. As the subatomic particles, photons are bosons, with no electrical charge or residual mass and spin of a device, they are field particles, which, attended by the makers of the electromagnetic field.
How fundamental particles, photons travel at the speed of light and have mass and momentum depends on its frequency. With the classic argument of a photon could have the apparent two-tier ownership for either a particle or a wave of disturbances. That means that phenomena such as diffraction and interference require an interpretation in terms of the wave characteristics of photons, but such phenomena as the photoelectric effect requiring an interpretation in terms of the particle nature of the photon. Quantum mechanics is able to solve this dilemma by probabilistic characteristics to the movements of atoms and photons.
The energy associated with a single photon is quite minute. For example, a photon in the visible spectrum would be an energy of about 4 X (10 to the power of -19) joule. Thus a perfectly efficient 100-watt light bulb would emit about 2.5 X (10 to the power of 20) photons per second.
Light is electromagnetic radiation in the wavelength range extending from about 0.4 micrometers to about 0.7 micrometers, or, perhaps better, the visual response to the electromagnetic radiation in this area. By extension, the term is often bordering on the wavelength range that the eye can not detect: Ultarviolet light, infrared light, light and black. In addition to the wavelength, frequency, in hertz, and wave range, in inverse units of length, are also used to designate and the character and quality of radiation. In connection with the wavelength or frequency is the visual response of color. The term monochromatic is the idealized situation where the light into a beam is all a wavelength.
Light is characterized not only by the wavelength, which is essentially a temporal quality, but also by state and degree of polarization, a geometric or directional quality, and the intensity, which is essentially a physical quality. The visual response to the intensity of brightness. In the human visual system, at least there is no answer counterpart, the State and the degree of polarization, but there is sufficient evidence that certain arthropods - bees in particular - are sensitive to the state of polarization of the sky light. There is some speculation that some migratory birds May also a response to this quality of light.
Light is further characterized by its degree of coherence. Coherence, in close connection with the degree of polarization and the degree of monochromaticity, refers to the ability of a light beam to interferewith itself. Coherence interferometry is therefore a property of light. By using a Michelson interferometer, most light sources can be to interference fringes. This is clearest when the length of the two arms of the interferometer are equal.
As an arm is extended, however, the contrast of the fringes is seen to decrease until they are no longer visible. Unfiltered light from a single source is hardly produce fringes under any circumstances. Light from a mercury arc lamp is the edge over a range of one or two centimeters. On the other hand, light from a continuous wave laser-gas has the edge at a distance of over 100 meters. Therefore, light can be characterized by its degree of coherence or consistency in length.
Light is a transport of energy. It can be regarded both as a particle flow and as a wave phenomenon. These two apparently diametrically opposed views were together in a theory that combines the best features of each. The particulate unit is the photon, in connection with a central frequency or wavelength determined that (or through) the amount of energy it contains. In a so-called Black-White-beam, the photons are all the same energy and therefore have the same frequency. It can disturb, which indicates a high degree of coherence and a more or less uniform state of polarization. If the distribution of energy in the photons is more coincidental, but the beam is less coherent and have a lower degree of polarization.
It is also convenient to think of light as propagating a wavefront. These waves, like the hood of an ocean wave, are areas where the phase relationship is stable. Unlike an ocean wave, a wavefront or surface constant and unobservable phase is not detectable. Light May as energy being transported in a train from Wavefront. The direction of propagation (with the exception of anisotropic media) is in a direction perpendicular to the wave front. Radiation can be used as trajectories of the photons.
LightLight Production - like any other electromagnetic radiation, which results from either an accelerating electric charge or a fusion or fission reaction. In the context of nuclear reactions, a photon is in the same manner as the other elementary partly products of the reaction. With the exception of sunlight and Starlight However, in light of the rule is the result of changes in the electronic structure of atoms and molecules, as they absorb energy.
The incandescent electric light, as the heat source, resulting from the ohmic resistance of the filament to electricity. A red-hot poker directly absorbs heat from the fire resulting from the liberation of chemical energy. Since the material in the filament or poker heats up, the atoms and molecules gain kinetic energy generated by an increase in the number of collisions between particles. Boiling from some of the material is a mechanism that can be used to balance temperature. Another mechanism is for the electrons in connection with the various atoms in the metal to a higher energy levels. If they drop back to lower energy levels they emit a photon, keep the temperature of the material more or less constant, despite the fact that energy prices are constantly delivered. The excess energy is emitted as light.
Another type of light source is activated plasma as a gas flame or in a discharge tube like a neon lamp. Although light is through a mechanism similar thermal emission, which are atoms in a gaseous phase, and less random. The energy levels achieved by the electrons depend more on the electronic structure of atoms themselves, and therefore the emitted photons are usually around specific wavelengths.
The spectrum from such a source is not at all continuous but consists of lines or bands that are characteristic of the atoms or molecules in the gas. Very black-and-white light can take this kind of source, particularly if the light filtered. The light has a much longer coherence length, but is usually unpolarized.
Another kind of source is the LASER. Two principles are in laser surgery. First, the laser material consists of atoms, or mixtures of atoms, which have a special energy structure. As they absorb energy, its electrons move to higher energy levels, the tendency to certain metastable levels. This is called population inversion.
There they remain until stimulated by a photon of the proper frequency. Then the electrons drop to a lower energy level, emitting a photon of the same frequency and traveling in the same direction as the event photon excitation. Since a single photon May stimulate the release of a large number of additional photons, the total number of photons increased, thus increasing the intensity of light in the media. The process is known as profit.
The second principle is the geometry of the laser itself. The laser can be regarded as a hollow tube, like a pipe organ, which voted at a wavelength of the emitted photons. The process can be visualized as a wave front is also back and forth between the two ends of the laser, picking more photons with each reflection. The proportion of light is allowed to escape from the cavity is monochromatic, with a long coherence length. In some cases, the laser power is highly polarized.
The historical development of a theory of light, at least from the 17th Century, the two seemingly contradictory descriptions. A concept was the corpuscular theory, the planned light as a stream or flow of small particles.
René Descartes this concept changed. He viewed more than a light pressure than flow - not as a movement, but as a tendency to move. And there was no easy motion, it was not only a finite speed. In other words, a light beam does not need any time of transit.
Pierre Fermat a different view. He believed not only that increased light at a finite speed, but also that its particles or rays described trajectories. Christiaan Huygens, on the other hand, was a firm believer that light is a wave phenomenon. Light propagated at a finite speed in the form of a moving disturbance, like a water wave moves as a ripple on a smooth pond.
Like a ray of light passes over a surface of one medium to another (eg from air to glass), the direction is changed - a phenomenon known as refraction. The law of refraction, discovered by initial empirical Willebrord Snell, then formally derived from Descartes and Fermat, states that sin r = K sin i, where i is the angle of incidence, the angle between the incident ray and the normal (perpendicular ) At the groundbreaking surface. The angle of refraction, r, is the angle between the ray and broke the surface normal.
Fermat and Descartes on the shape of the refraction law, but they disagreed strongly about the importance of the constants K K. Fermat saw as proportional to the reciprocal of the speed of propagation. Descartes, although he believes that the speed of propagation was infinite, concluded on a different level of logic that K was proportional to the speed. The distinction is important because if light accelerated or slowed as it goes into a denser medium determines the meaning of K.
Two opposing positions. Descartes and Fermat were both supporters of a corpuscular theory; Huygens believed in a wave theory. He has also received evidence of the refraction law in relation to the existence of Wavefront, a construction today Huygens principle.
When light is a wave phenomenon, then a medium is required. Sound waves travel through the air, but not by a vacuum; waves require an aqueous medium. At first it was thought that air would be the medium that would contain the spread of light. The simple experiment of shining light through a glass evacuated, but clearly shown that this theory was not correct. Theorists have chosen hypothesize the existence of a medium called ether.
Experimental evidence to support the wave theory of light was particularly strong. Diffraction, the ability to bend light around a sharp edge, certainly had faith in the idea that light is a form of wave motion. Further support came with the discovery of polarization, which showed that the waves of a light wave were perpendicular to the direction of propagation and were not longitudinal, as well as sound and water waves.
So if light was a wave phenomenon, the ether was required, and if so, then certain effects should be observed when a massive body through the airwaves. To determine such effects, telescopic pipes were filled with water to determine the impact on the Starlight. No effect was observed. Attempts to ether "drag" not.
On the other hand, James Bradley discovered stellar aberration in 1729, when he found that he had to aim his telescope a little in the direction of the movement of the earth from the theoretical position of a star. This effect could be compared to a person in the rain tipping its umbrella a little before him, as he walks in the rain. Bradley's discovery supports a corpuscular theory, or at least not the support the Æther idea of a drag.
But it has been postulated, if ether is present, then another phenomenon to watch, ether "drift" is also available. If both the earth and light moving through the airwaves, then the speed of light observed on Earth would depend on the direction of observation. The ether was stationary, the Earth and other planets, the sun and the stars, light and pulled it through. By measuring the apparent speed of light in different directions, it could be the absolute speed and direction of movement of the earth.
In the late 19th Century AA Michelson and EW Morley (1838-1923) tried to ensure the absolute movement of the earth through the ether. No ether drift observed. The conclusion was inconceivable that the speed of light was constant and independent of the movement of the beholder. This paradox has led to Einstein's special theory of relativity, a cosmological theory is of great importance.
The photon belt is reportedly a band of intense photon of light, the Near Earth at this time.
A photon is a quantum of light, or the smallest possible package of light at a particular wavelength. It is emitted from an atom in a transition from one energy state to another.
Photons - also known as Quantum Light Energy-minute package of Electromagnetic Radiation. The concept was born (1905) in Einstein's explanation of the photoelectric effect, in which he suggested the existence of discrete packets of energy during the transmission of light. Earlier (1900), the German physicist Max Planck had prepared the way for the concept to explain that the thermal radiation emitted and absorbed in different units, or Quanta.
The concept came into general use after the U.S. physicist Arthur H. Compton demonstrated (1923) the corpuscular kind of X-rays. The concept of photons (from the Greek Phos, photos, "light"), but was not used until 1926. The energy of a photon depends on the radiation spectrum, there are all the photons from high-energy gamma and X-rays, visible light through to the energy-infrared and radio waves. All photons travel at the speed of light. As the subatomic particles, photons are bosons, with no electrical charge or residual mass and spin of a device, they are field particles, which, attended by the makers of the electromagnetic field.
How fundamental particles, photons travel at the speed of light and have mass and momentum depends on its frequency. With the classic argument of a photon could have the apparent two-tier ownership for either a particle or a wave of disturbances. That means that phenomena such as diffraction and interference require an interpretation in terms of the wave characteristics of photons, but such phenomena as the photoelectric effect requiring an interpretation in terms of the particle nature of the photon. Quantum mechanics is able to solve this dilemma by probabilistic characteristics to the movements of atoms and photons.
The energy associated with a single photon is quite minute. For example, a photon in the visible spectrum would be an energy of about 4 X (10 to the power of -19) joule. Thus a perfectly efficient 100-watt light bulb would emit about 2.5 X (10 to the power of 20) photons per second.
Light is electromagnetic radiation in the wavelength range extending from about 0.4 micrometers to about 0.7 micrometers, or, perhaps better, the visual response to the electromagnetic radiation in this area. By extension, the term is often bordering on the wavelength range that the eye can not detect: Ultarviolet light, infrared light, light and black. In addition to the wavelength, frequency, in hertz, and wave range, in inverse units of length, are also used to designate and the character and quality of radiation. In connection with the wavelength or frequency is the visual response of color. The term monochromatic is the idealized situation where the light into a beam is all a wavelength.
Light is characterized not only by the wavelength, which is essentially a temporal quality, but also by state and degree of polarization, a geometric or directional quality, and the intensity, which is essentially a physical quality. The visual response to the intensity of brightness. In the human visual system, at least there is no answer counterpart, the State and the degree of polarization, but there is sufficient evidence that certain arthropods - bees in particular - are sensitive to the state of polarization of the sky light. There is some speculation that some migratory birds May also a response to this quality of light.
Light is further characterized by its degree of coherence. Coherence, in close connection with the degree of polarization and the degree of monochromaticity, refers to the ability of a light beam to interferewith itself. Coherence interferometry is therefore a property of light. By using a Michelson interferometer, most light sources can be to interference fringes. This is clearest when the length of the two arms of the interferometer are equal.
As an arm is extended, however, the contrast of the fringes is seen to decrease until they are no longer visible. Unfiltered light from a single source is hardly produce fringes under any circumstances. Light from a mercury arc lamp is the edge over a range of one or two centimeters. On the other hand, light from a continuous wave laser-gas has the edge at a distance of over 100 meters. Therefore, light can be characterized by its degree of coherence or consistency in length.
Light is a transport of energy. It can be regarded both as a particle flow and as a wave phenomenon. These two apparently diametrically opposed views were together in a theory that combines the best features of each. The particulate unit is the photon, in connection with a central frequency or wavelength determined that (or through) the amount of energy it contains. In a so-called Black-White-beam, the photons are all the same energy and therefore have the same frequency. It can disturb, which indicates a high degree of coherence and a more or less uniform state of polarization. If the distribution of energy in the photons is more coincidental, but the beam is less coherent and have a lower degree of polarization.
It is also convenient to think of light as propagating a wavefront. These waves, like the hood of an ocean wave, are areas where the phase relationship is stable. Unlike an ocean wave, a wavefront or surface constant and unobservable phase is not detectable. Light May as energy being transported in a train from Wavefront. The direction of propagation (with the exception of anisotropic media) is in a direction perpendicular to the wave front. Radiation can be used as trajectories of the photons.
LightLight Production - like any other electromagnetic radiation, which results from either an accelerating electric charge or a fusion or fission reaction. In the context of nuclear reactions, a photon is in the same manner as the other elementary partly products of the reaction. With the exception of sunlight and Starlight However, in light of the rule is the result of changes in the electronic structure of atoms and molecules, as they absorb energy.
The incandescent electric light, as the heat source, resulting from the ohmic resistance of the filament to electricity. A red-hot poker directly absorbs heat from the fire resulting from the liberation of chemical energy. Since the material in the filament or poker heats up, the atoms and molecules gain kinetic energy generated by an increase in the number of collisions between particles. Boiling from some of the material is a mechanism that can be used to balance temperature. Another mechanism is for the electrons in connection with the various atoms in the metal to a higher energy levels. If they drop back to lower energy levels they emit a photon, keep the temperature of the material more or less constant, despite the fact that energy prices are constantly delivered. The excess energy is emitted as light.
Another type of light source is activated plasma as a gas flame or in a discharge tube like a neon lamp. Although light is through a mechanism similar thermal emission, which are atoms in a gaseous phase, and less random. The energy levels achieved by the electrons depend more on the electronic structure of atoms themselves, and therefore the emitted photons are usually around specific wavelengths.
The spectrum from such a source is not at all continuous but consists of lines or bands that are characteristic of the atoms or molecules in the gas. Very black-and-white light can take this kind of source, particularly if the light filtered. The light has a much longer coherence length, but is usually unpolarized.
Another kind of source is the LASER. Two principles are in laser surgery. First, the laser material consists of atoms, or mixtures of atoms, which have a special energy structure. As they absorb energy, its electrons move to higher energy levels, the tendency to certain metastable levels. This is called population inversion.
There they remain until stimulated by a photon of the proper frequency. Then the electrons drop to a lower energy level, emitting a photon of the same frequency and traveling in the same direction as the event photon excitation. Since a single photon May stimulate the release of a large number of additional photons, the total number of photons increased, thus increasing the intensity of light in the media. The process is known as profit.
The second principle is the geometry of the laser itself. The laser can be regarded as a hollow tube, like a pipe organ, which voted at a wavelength of the emitted photons. The process can be visualized as a wave front is also back and forth between the two ends of the laser, picking more photons with each reflection. The proportion of light is allowed to escape from the cavity is monochromatic, with a long coherence length. In some cases, the laser power is highly polarized.
The historical development of a theory of light, at least from the 17th Century, the two seemingly contradictory descriptions. A concept was the corpuscular theory, the planned light as a stream or flow of small particles.
René Descartes this concept changed. He viewed more than a light pressure than flow - not as a movement, but as a tendency to move. And there was no easy motion, it was not only a finite speed. In other words, a light beam does not need any time of transit.
Pierre Fermat a different view. He believed not only that increased light at a finite speed, but also that its particles or rays described trajectories. Christiaan Huygens, on the other hand, was a firm believer that light is a wave phenomenon. Light propagated at a finite speed in the form of a moving disturbance, like a water wave moves as a ripple on a smooth pond.
Like a ray of light passes over a surface of one medium to another (eg from air to glass), the direction is changed - a phenomenon known as refraction. The law of refraction, discovered by initial empirical Willebrord Snell, then formally derived from Descartes and Fermat, states that sin r = K sin i, where i is the angle of incidence, the angle between the incident ray and the normal (perpendicular ) At the groundbreaking surface. The angle of refraction, r, is the angle between the ray and broke the surface normal.
Fermat and Descartes on the shape of the refraction law, but they disagreed strongly about the importance of the constants K K. Fermat saw as proportional to the reciprocal of the speed of propagation. Descartes, although he believes that the speed of propagation was infinite, concluded on a different level of logic that K was proportional to the speed. The distinction is important because if light accelerated or slowed as it goes into a denser medium determines the meaning of K.
Two opposing positions. Descartes and Fermat were both supporters of a corpuscular theory; Huygens believed in a wave theory. He has also received evidence of the refraction law in relation to the existence of Wavefront, a construction today Huygens principle.
When light is a wave phenomenon, then a medium is required. Sound waves travel through the air, but not by a vacuum; waves require an aqueous medium. At first it was thought that air would be the medium that would contain the spread of light. The simple experiment of shining light through a glass evacuated, but clearly shown that this theory was not correct. Theorists have chosen hypothesize the existence of a medium called ether.
Experimental evidence to support the wave theory of light was particularly strong. Diffraction, the ability to bend light around a sharp edge, certainly had faith in the idea that light is a form of wave motion. Further support came with the discovery of polarization, which showed that the waves of a light wave were perpendicular to the direction of propagation and were not longitudinal, as well as sound and water waves.
So if light was a wave phenomenon, the ether was required, and if so, then certain effects should be observed when a massive body through the airwaves. To determine such effects, telescopic pipes were filled with water to determine the impact on the Starlight. No effect was observed. Attempts to ether "drag" not.
On the other hand, James Bradley discovered stellar aberration in 1729, when he found that he had to aim his telescope a little in the direction of the movement of the earth from the theoretical position of a star. This effect could be compared to a person in the rain tipping its umbrella a little before him, as he walks in the rain. Bradley's discovery supports a corpuscular theory, or at least not the support the Æther idea of a drag.
But it has been postulated, if ether is present, then another phenomenon to watch, ether "drift" is also available. If both the earth and light moving through the airwaves, then the speed of light observed on Earth would depend on the direction of observation. The ether was stationary, the Earth and other planets, the sun and the stars, light and pulled it through. By measuring the apparent speed of light in different directions, it could be the absolute speed and direction of movement of the earth.
In the late 19th Century AA Michelson and EW Morley (1838-1923) tried to ensure the absolute movement of the earth through the ether. No ether drift observed. The conclusion was inconceivable that the speed of light was constant and independent of the movement of the beholder. This paradox has led to Einstein's special theory of relativity, a cosmological theory is of great importance.
23 Aralık 2008 Salı
Foton Kusagi - Üç Günlük Karanlık
Derin bir endişeyi ifade ederek başlamama izin verin. Üç Günlük Karanlık, korku ve panik ile değil, Dünya'nın 4. Boyuta yükselişi ile ilgilidir. Lütfen anlayın, bu sadece sizi yükseliş işlemine hazırlamak için bir girişimdir. Bu Değişim, sevgi ile ilgilidir, ve hissettiğiniz korku kendi seçiminizdir. Akıllıca seçim yapın, dostlarım, çünkü Değişim, farkındalığın uyanışının başlangıcı olacak.
Aslında Üç Günlük Karanlık, Dünya Ananın Foton Kuşağına girişi ile ilgilidir. Bu olay Üç Karanlık Günü kapsamaktadır ve bu Değişimin ya da 4. boyuta (5. boyuta) yükselişin müjdecisi olacaktır. Bu dönem boyunca size neler olacağı hakkında kısa bir özet yapmama izin verin. Bütün olay 7 ya da 10 günlük bir dönemde gerçekleşecek fakat lütfen bu rakamların kesin olduğunu düşünmeyin, çünkü 1 gün az ya da çok olabilir.
İlk gün, tam tamına bir kargaşa hissi olacak. Bu korku yaratmak için tasarlanmamıştır. Evet, Yaratıcı korkuya izin verir, ama siz bu korkuya kapılmak zorunda değilsiniz. Bu yazıyı okuyanlar, o dönemde ortaya çıkacak olaylara önceden hazırlanmış olacak. Hala korkuyu önlemek için çaba sarf etmelisiniz, çünkü bu olay bütün Dünyada nüfuz edecek. Bu, herkesin korkularını iyileştirerek Değişimi gerçekleştirdiğinden emin olmak için Işık Varlıkları tarafından planlanmıştır. Ve yine, korku içinde yaşadığınız için, aslında bu korkudan birçok iyi şey yaratıyorsunuz. Korkularınızı iyileştirmek, tamamen, Yaratıcı'nın planının bir parçasıdır.
Bu, şimdi neden şu anki korkularınızı ele almanızın gerektiğinin başka bir nedenidir. Korkularınızın üstesinden gelmede ve onları yok etmede deneyim kazandıkça, Değişim ile daha iyi başa çıkabileceksiniz.
Bugünlerde uğraştığınız bazı korkularınız şöyle senaryolar içermekte: Faturalarım ödenecek mi? Evli kalacak mıyım, kalmazsam eğer ne yapacağım? Bütün paramı aptal bir yatırımda kaybedecek miyim? Evet, bunların hepsi gerçek, fakat yapmanız gereken tek şey probleme karşı koymak, ve onu (bilincinizde) berraklık yaratacak noktadan ele almaya hazır/gönüllü olmak. Böylece, daha az korkutucu ve yönetilebilir olacaktır.
İşte bu yüzden kendinizi tanıma çalışmalarınızı ve diğer derslerinizi zamanında tamamlamanız vurgulanmaktadır. Korkularınızın üstesinden gelmeyi mümkün olduğu kadar iyi öğrendiğinizde, Değişim bir kabustan çok bir macera haline gelecektir. Uygulama/çalışma mükemmeli getirir.
İlk gün boyunca, kitlesel hastalık ve görünüşte yıkıcı bölünme illüzyonu ile titreşeceksiniz. Tam anlamıyla 3. Boyutu terk edecek ve 4. Boyuta gireceksiniz, Foton Enerjisiyle birlikte. Dünyanın değişimini o güne kadar hiç deneyimlemediğiniz kadar çok hissedeceksiniz. İlk 12 saatte ya da gün boyunca, pek ortalıklarda dolanmak istemeyeceksiniz. Durağan kalmaya zorlanacaksınız.
Bu Dünya Ananın ani fren yapma yöntemidir. Bu dönem boyunca, kendini sarsacak ve birçok özelliğini yeniden düzenleyecek. Bütün bunların hepsi daha şimdiden planlanmıştır ve Dünya kendini yok etmeden ne kadar ileri gideceğini tabi ki bilmektedir. Bu sizin ilk işaretiniz olacak #8211; kitlesel kargaşanın ortaya çıkışıyla onu takip eden Dünya ananın gürlemeleri.
Buna göre daha önemli bir çok deprem yaşadınız bile. Aslında, bu sefer depremler hemen hemen sıradan bir hale gelecek. Sizin 8 ya da 9 Rihter Ölçeğinizden bahsetmiyorum, daha çok 5 ya da 6 hatta daha az, çünkü bu Dünya Ananın kendini Değişime hazırladığına işaret etme şeklidir. Bununla birlikte, kendini, boyut enerjisinin 3.den 4.ye ilerlediği ve Foton Kuşağı enerjisinin Dünyayı içine çekmeye başladığı son Değişim pozisyonuna yerleştirdiğinde, 3. Boyuttaki son dönüş aşamasını hazırlayacak. Sonuç olarak, yaklaşık ilk günün 12 veya 16 saat sonrası, kalan zamanlar tam anlamıyla zor olacak. Lütfen panik yapmayın! Kaç kere hatırlatılmaya ihtiyaç duyuyorsunuz biliyor musunuz? Lütfen panik yapmayın! Bu ilk saatlerde sakin kalabilirseniz, her şey yerine oturmaya başlayacak çünkü başlangıçtaki deprem sarsıntıları ve bölünmeler şiddetle azalmaya başlayacak.
Ortaya çıkmaya başlayacak diğer özellikler, sıcaklıkta ve güneş ışığında azalmalar içerecek. Daha sonraki birkaç gün boyunca hava akşam üstü gibi olmaya başlayacak. Bu noktadan itibaren çok fazla güneş ışığı görmeyeceksiniz, en az bu değişimi atlatana kadar.
Bu zaman süresince, dehşet verici bir uyanış meydana gelmeye başlayacak. Psişik / telepatik yetilerinize bağlı olarak, öbür tarafa geçmiş olan arkadaşlarınız ve akrabalarınız sizinle iletişime geçebilecekler. Bu sizin, bir çoğunuzun daha önce hiç deneyimlemediği / yaşamadığı bir biçimde görevinizi yerine getirmenize imkan verecek. Bu, son yıllarda bir çok ruhsal rehberin size neden şiddetle MEDİTASYON yapmanızı önermesinin bir başka sebebidir. Bu söz vurgulanmalıdır, ona önem vermeniz gerektiği için.
Bu gün, artan karanlık bütün Dünya'ya nüfuz etmeye başlayacak, daha önce hiç yaşamadığınız / hissetmediğiniz bir soğukla birlikte. Bu derin bir soğuk olacak çünkü içinize işleyecek. Bu zamanda, karbon temelli olmayan diğer varlıklarla da bağlantı kuracaksınız. Bu, neden korkuya dayalı bir hayat yaşayamayacağınızın bir başka sebebidir, yüzleşeceğiniz şey en büyük sınavınızın bir kısmı olacak. Anlamanız gereken tek şey; BU BİR TEST! Yapmanız gereken şey Işığı üstünüzde tutmak, böylece farkındalığınız yükselecek ve sınav yok olacak.
Üçüncü gün, Dünya Ana tamamıyla Foton Kuşağına girmiş olacak ve Dördüncü Boyuta gerçek geçiş meydana gelecek. Bu zamanda, Foton Enerjisi Yeryüzünü tamamen saracak, ve Üç Günlük Karanlık başlayacak. Foton Kuşağının dış bandı, üçüncü boyutun özünü temizleyip dördüncü boyut enerjisini ateşleyebilmek için son derece yoğundur. Karanlık varolacak çünkü ışık parçacıkları o kadar yoğunlaşacak ki "yok" görünümü alacaklar. Bu dış banttan çıkış yaklaşık üç
gün sürecek ve tamamıyla karanlığın içine çekilmişsiniz gibi görünecek. Zamana takılıp kalmamaya çok dikkat edin, aldatıcı olacaktır ve enerjinin yerleşmesinin ve sakinleşmesinin daha uzun sürmesine sebep olacaktır.
Foton Enerjisi, içine girildikçe, güneş ışığını tamamen engelleyecektir. Bu gerçek bir karanlık oluşturacaktır. Foton Kuşağının özü güneş ışığını engelleyebilecek güçtedir. Her nasılsa, güneşin termal enerjisinin bir kısmı Foton Enerjisini delip geçebilecektir, böylece bir "Buz Çağı" yaşamayacaksınız. O kadar şiddetli olmayacak ama inanın ki çok soğuk olacak. Bedeniniz, bir çoğunuzun deneyimleyeceği hareketsizliğin karşılığında titreşimsel bir değişime uğrayacak.
Dışarıya çıkıp sorunları halletmeye çalışmak hiçbir şey ifade etmeyecek. Aşağı inip köşedeki dükkan açık mı diye bakmaya gitmeye çalışmak gerekmeyecek. Açlıktan ölmeyeceksiniz. Üç günde kimse açlıktan ölmez. İlk aşamada, ****bolizmanız değişecek böylece yemek ihtiyacı hissetmeyeceksiniz. Onun yerine sadece çok hafif maddeler yiyeceksiniz. Başlangıçta, sadece Yaratıcının Işıktan oluşturduğu bitki alemi var olacak. Bu, Yaratıcının size sağladığı ama her nedense bu noktaya kadar akıllıca yararlanamadığınız bir şeydir. Artık bu bitkileri sadece akıllıca kullanmakla kalmayıp titreşimlerinin gerçek özünü / aslını da öğreneceksiniz. Eminim ki bazılarınız bu duruma uyumlanmakta zorluk çekecek, fakat birçoğunuz bu yeni yiyecek kaynağından zevk alacak.
Aynı zamanda bu olay gerçekten Yeryüzünü içine çekecek, bu olayı tamamıyla yaşamak kaderinde olanlar, titreşimsel beden transferi ve hareket birliği hakkında zaten bilgilenmiş durumda olacak, böylece fiziksel öz tamamen korunmuş olacak. Bütün bu günlük / olağan seviyede öğrendiğiniz şeyler çok uzak gelecekte olmayan o zamana bir hazırlanış şekli.
Bu üç günlük karanlık ve soğuk döneminin ortasında, dünya populasyonunun çoğu güçsüz ve hareketsiz halde olacak. Öyle yavaşlamış olacaksınız ki bu üç gün şimdiki zamandaki gibi geçmeyecek, ve böylece korkunun bir kısmı ortadan kaldırılmış olacak. Yoğunluğun bu kısmından geçişinizi zar zor hatırlayacaksınız. Bu olay başladıktan ve üç günün ilk gününü geçirdikten sonra, kendi içinizde tamamen kış uykusu halini alacaksınız.
Bu karanlık günlerden çıkışınız en uç beklentilerinizin bile ötesinde olacak. Karanlık dağılınca, günışığı gelmeden önce başka bir 2 ya da 3 günlük bir dönem yaşayacaksınız. Bu dönemde hava akşam karanlığı gibi olacak. İlk adımınızı attığınızda daha önceki gibi ayaklarınızın artık yere değmediğini farkedeceksiniz. Havada sıçrayabildiğinizi, bir süre orada kalabildiğinizi, yavaşça yere inebildiğinizi keşfedeceksiniz. Yeni enerjinin hala yoğun olduğu bölümler olacak, yani bazen aldatıcı durumlar olabilir.
Bedeninizin içinde hareket eden bir şey hissedeceksiniz, ve bedeninizi içinizde ışık saçan bu yeni enerji ile doldurabildiğinizi keşfedeceksiniz. Yeni sizi içine çeken bu yeni hissi seveceksiniz.
Bu yenilikle baş etmeyi yeni realitede size yardımcı olacak öğretmenlerin rehberliğinde öğrenmeniz iki yıldan dört yıla kadar bir zaman dilimi gerektirecek. Bu öğretmenler paylaştıkları için onurlandırılacaklar ve siz de onları takdir edeceksiniz. Şimdi neden hepimizin derslerimizi Geçişten önce tamamlamamız gerektiğini anlamaya başlıyor musunuz? Böylece, daha sonra bunları deneyimlemeye gerek kalmayacak.
Tamamlanmamış her deneyimi direkt olarak bu yeni realiteye taşıyacaksınız, bu nedenle Geçişten önce mümkün olduğunca hazır olun ki diğerleri yeni hızda ilerlerken siz değerli vaktinizi onlarla boşa harcamayın.
Onca zaman geçmesine rağmen neden hala acıkmadığınızı merak edeceksiniz. En ufak bir açlık hissetmemekle kalmayıp, vücudunuzdaki yağlar / şişmanlık da, hepsi olmasa da çoğu, yok olacak. En sonunda açlık duyduğunuzda, Yaratıcının bizim için yetiştirdiklerini yemek ihtiyacı hissettiğinizi fark edeceksiniz. Aslında hep orada olan ama daha önce asla farkedemediğiniz bitkileri göreceksiniz. Birini alacak, ağzınıza atacaksınız ve o da yavaşça ağzınızda çözülecek ve siz de enerjisinin sisteminizde ortaya çıkışını hissedeceksiniz. Ve sonra birden değişik nefes aldığınızı fark edeceksiniz. Nefesiniz başınızın tepesinden gelecek ve alışılmadık bir biçimde tamamen bedeninizi dolduracak. Böylece, Geçişten sonraki ilk birkaç gün, daha önce deneyimlediğinizden, alışık olduğunuzdan farklı olan her şeyle işlev görmeyi öğrenmekle geçecek.
Bir çok yeni şey, yeni ve aydınlanmış düşüncelerinizi meşgul edecek. Bütün düşünme sisteminiz fazlasıyla açık olacak, ve hafızanız hazır olduğunuzun da ötesinde olacak. Yaklaşık 2000 yıl boyunca Dördüncü Boyutun zevkine varacaksınız.
Genel anlamda, dostlarım, bu sarsıcı bir dönem gibi görünmesine rağmen, (bu dönem) toplu aydınlanma sürecinin başlangıcıdır. Hepiniz, bir çok yaşam boyunca yükselişin tamamını hatırlamak için hazırlanıyorsunuz. Hiçbir şey boşa gitmemiştir. Derslerinizi büyük bir ilgiyle ve istekle öğrenin, böylece eski bavullarınızı yeni ve heyecan verici çağa taşımamış olursunuz.
Her birinizin yaşam planı belli başlı deneyimleri içerir ve her deneyim yeni bir anlayış düzeyi yaratmak için tasarlanmıştır. Bir dersi kısa kesmeyi seçtiğiniz her seferinde, o ders, daha sonra üstünde çalışasınız diye yeni realiteye ertelenir. Deneyimleme ihtimallerini asla geri çevirmeyin.
Her şeyin geçmişte hayalini kurduğunuz bir yere taşınmış olduğu yeni bir enerjide uyandığınızı düşünün. Çevrenize baktığınızda ve hayatın potansiyellerini incelediğinizde, hayat göz alıcı güzelliktedir. Ve sonra, yeni bedeninizi ve onun yeni enerjideki yetilerini anlamaya başlarsınız. Her nasılsa, tamamlanmamış öğrenim durumuna uygun olarak, Yüksek Benliğiniz, daha önce kaçtığınız belli başlı deneyimleri tekrarlamak zorunda olduğunuz bir plan yapar. Tüm varlığınızla yeni enerjiyi deneyimlemek / yaşamak isterken, bütün dersler tam öğrenilmeden bir adım dahi ileri gidemeyeceksiniz. Bu yüzden hiç bir ihtimali göz ardı etmeyin. Yüksek Benliğinizin sizin için yarattığı her şeyi büyük bir arzuyla tamamen öğrendiğinizden emin olun, çünkü bu sizin yeni bin-yıla girişinize izin verecek.
Aslında Üç Günlük Karanlık, Dünya Ananın Foton Kuşağına girişi ile ilgilidir. Bu olay Üç Karanlık Günü kapsamaktadır ve bu Değişimin ya da 4. boyuta (5. boyuta) yükselişin müjdecisi olacaktır. Bu dönem boyunca size neler olacağı hakkında kısa bir özet yapmama izin verin. Bütün olay 7 ya da 10 günlük bir dönemde gerçekleşecek fakat lütfen bu rakamların kesin olduğunu düşünmeyin, çünkü 1 gün az ya da çok olabilir.
İlk gün, tam tamına bir kargaşa hissi olacak. Bu korku yaratmak için tasarlanmamıştır. Evet, Yaratıcı korkuya izin verir, ama siz bu korkuya kapılmak zorunda değilsiniz. Bu yazıyı okuyanlar, o dönemde ortaya çıkacak olaylara önceden hazırlanmış olacak. Hala korkuyu önlemek için çaba sarf etmelisiniz, çünkü bu olay bütün Dünyada nüfuz edecek. Bu, herkesin korkularını iyileştirerek Değişimi gerçekleştirdiğinden emin olmak için Işık Varlıkları tarafından planlanmıştır. Ve yine, korku içinde yaşadığınız için, aslında bu korkudan birçok iyi şey yaratıyorsunuz. Korkularınızı iyileştirmek, tamamen, Yaratıcı'nın planının bir parçasıdır.
Bu, şimdi neden şu anki korkularınızı ele almanızın gerektiğinin başka bir nedenidir. Korkularınızın üstesinden gelmede ve onları yok etmede deneyim kazandıkça, Değişim ile daha iyi başa çıkabileceksiniz.
Bugünlerde uğraştığınız bazı korkularınız şöyle senaryolar içermekte: Faturalarım ödenecek mi? Evli kalacak mıyım, kalmazsam eğer ne yapacağım? Bütün paramı aptal bir yatırımda kaybedecek miyim? Evet, bunların hepsi gerçek, fakat yapmanız gereken tek şey probleme karşı koymak, ve onu (bilincinizde) berraklık yaratacak noktadan ele almaya hazır/gönüllü olmak. Böylece, daha az korkutucu ve yönetilebilir olacaktır.
İşte bu yüzden kendinizi tanıma çalışmalarınızı ve diğer derslerinizi zamanında tamamlamanız vurgulanmaktadır. Korkularınızın üstesinden gelmeyi mümkün olduğu kadar iyi öğrendiğinizde, Değişim bir kabustan çok bir macera haline gelecektir. Uygulama/çalışma mükemmeli getirir.
İlk gün boyunca, kitlesel hastalık ve görünüşte yıkıcı bölünme illüzyonu ile titreşeceksiniz. Tam anlamıyla 3. Boyutu terk edecek ve 4. Boyuta gireceksiniz, Foton Enerjisiyle birlikte. Dünyanın değişimini o güne kadar hiç deneyimlemediğiniz kadar çok hissedeceksiniz. İlk 12 saatte ya da gün boyunca, pek ortalıklarda dolanmak istemeyeceksiniz. Durağan kalmaya zorlanacaksınız.
Bu Dünya Ananın ani fren yapma yöntemidir. Bu dönem boyunca, kendini sarsacak ve birçok özelliğini yeniden düzenleyecek. Bütün bunların hepsi daha şimdiden planlanmıştır ve Dünya kendini yok etmeden ne kadar ileri gideceğini tabi ki bilmektedir. Bu sizin ilk işaretiniz olacak #8211; kitlesel kargaşanın ortaya çıkışıyla onu takip eden Dünya ananın gürlemeleri.
Buna göre daha önemli bir çok deprem yaşadınız bile. Aslında, bu sefer depremler hemen hemen sıradan bir hale gelecek. Sizin 8 ya da 9 Rihter Ölçeğinizden bahsetmiyorum, daha çok 5 ya da 6 hatta daha az, çünkü bu Dünya Ananın kendini Değişime hazırladığına işaret etme şeklidir. Bununla birlikte, kendini, boyut enerjisinin 3.den 4.ye ilerlediği ve Foton Kuşağı enerjisinin Dünyayı içine çekmeye başladığı son Değişim pozisyonuna yerleştirdiğinde, 3. Boyuttaki son dönüş aşamasını hazırlayacak. Sonuç olarak, yaklaşık ilk günün 12 veya 16 saat sonrası, kalan zamanlar tam anlamıyla zor olacak. Lütfen panik yapmayın! Kaç kere hatırlatılmaya ihtiyaç duyuyorsunuz biliyor musunuz? Lütfen panik yapmayın! Bu ilk saatlerde sakin kalabilirseniz, her şey yerine oturmaya başlayacak çünkü başlangıçtaki deprem sarsıntıları ve bölünmeler şiddetle azalmaya başlayacak.
Ortaya çıkmaya başlayacak diğer özellikler, sıcaklıkta ve güneş ışığında azalmalar içerecek. Daha sonraki birkaç gün boyunca hava akşam üstü gibi olmaya başlayacak. Bu noktadan itibaren çok fazla güneş ışığı görmeyeceksiniz, en az bu değişimi atlatana kadar.
Bu zaman süresince, dehşet verici bir uyanış meydana gelmeye başlayacak. Psişik / telepatik yetilerinize bağlı olarak, öbür tarafa geçmiş olan arkadaşlarınız ve akrabalarınız sizinle iletişime geçebilecekler. Bu sizin, bir çoğunuzun daha önce hiç deneyimlemediği / yaşamadığı bir biçimde görevinizi yerine getirmenize imkan verecek. Bu, son yıllarda bir çok ruhsal rehberin size neden şiddetle MEDİTASYON yapmanızı önermesinin bir başka sebebidir. Bu söz vurgulanmalıdır, ona önem vermeniz gerektiği için.
Bu gün, artan karanlık bütün Dünya'ya nüfuz etmeye başlayacak, daha önce hiç yaşamadığınız / hissetmediğiniz bir soğukla birlikte. Bu derin bir soğuk olacak çünkü içinize işleyecek. Bu zamanda, karbon temelli olmayan diğer varlıklarla da bağlantı kuracaksınız. Bu, neden korkuya dayalı bir hayat yaşayamayacağınızın bir başka sebebidir, yüzleşeceğiniz şey en büyük sınavınızın bir kısmı olacak. Anlamanız gereken tek şey; BU BİR TEST! Yapmanız gereken şey Işığı üstünüzde tutmak, böylece farkındalığınız yükselecek ve sınav yok olacak.
Üçüncü gün, Dünya Ana tamamıyla Foton Kuşağına girmiş olacak ve Dördüncü Boyuta gerçek geçiş meydana gelecek. Bu zamanda, Foton Enerjisi Yeryüzünü tamamen saracak, ve Üç Günlük Karanlık başlayacak. Foton Kuşağının dış bandı, üçüncü boyutun özünü temizleyip dördüncü boyut enerjisini ateşleyebilmek için son derece yoğundur. Karanlık varolacak çünkü ışık parçacıkları o kadar yoğunlaşacak ki "yok" görünümü alacaklar. Bu dış banttan çıkış yaklaşık üç
gün sürecek ve tamamıyla karanlığın içine çekilmişsiniz gibi görünecek. Zamana takılıp kalmamaya çok dikkat edin, aldatıcı olacaktır ve enerjinin yerleşmesinin ve sakinleşmesinin daha uzun sürmesine sebep olacaktır.
Foton Enerjisi, içine girildikçe, güneş ışığını tamamen engelleyecektir. Bu gerçek bir karanlık oluşturacaktır. Foton Kuşağının özü güneş ışığını engelleyebilecek güçtedir. Her nasılsa, güneşin termal enerjisinin bir kısmı Foton Enerjisini delip geçebilecektir, böylece bir "Buz Çağı" yaşamayacaksınız. O kadar şiddetli olmayacak ama inanın ki çok soğuk olacak. Bedeniniz, bir çoğunuzun deneyimleyeceği hareketsizliğin karşılığında titreşimsel bir değişime uğrayacak.
Dışarıya çıkıp sorunları halletmeye çalışmak hiçbir şey ifade etmeyecek. Aşağı inip köşedeki dükkan açık mı diye bakmaya gitmeye çalışmak gerekmeyecek. Açlıktan ölmeyeceksiniz. Üç günde kimse açlıktan ölmez. İlk aşamada, ****bolizmanız değişecek böylece yemek ihtiyacı hissetmeyeceksiniz. Onun yerine sadece çok hafif maddeler yiyeceksiniz. Başlangıçta, sadece Yaratıcının Işıktan oluşturduğu bitki alemi var olacak. Bu, Yaratıcının size sağladığı ama her nedense bu noktaya kadar akıllıca yararlanamadığınız bir şeydir. Artık bu bitkileri sadece akıllıca kullanmakla kalmayıp titreşimlerinin gerçek özünü / aslını da öğreneceksiniz. Eminim ki bazılarınız bu duruma uyumlanmakta zorluk çekecek, fakat birçoğunuz bu yeni yiyecek kaynağından zevk alacak.
Aynı zamanda bu olay gerçekten Yeryüzünü içine çekecek, bu olayı tamamıyla yaşamak kaderinde olanlar, titreşimsel beden transferi ve hareket birliği hakkında zaten bilgilenmiş durumda olacak, böylece fiziksel öz tamamen korunmuş olacak. Bütün bu günlük / olağan seviyede öğrendiğiniz şeyler çok uzak gelecekte olmayan o zamana bir hazırlanış şekli.
Bu üç günlük karanlık ve soğuk döneminin ortasında, dünya populasyonunun çoğu güçsüz ve hareketsiz halde olacak. Öyle yavaşlamış olacaksınız ki bu üç gün şimdiki zamandaki gibi geçmeyecek, ve böylece korkunun bir kısmı ortadan kaldırılmış olacak. Yoğunluğun bu kısmından geçişinizi zar zor hatırlayacaksınız. Bu olay başladıktan ve üç günün ilk gününü geçirdikten sonra, kendi içinizde tamamen kış uykusu halini alacaksınız.
Bu karanlık günlerden çıkışınız en uç beklentilerinizin bile ötesinde olacak. Karanlık dağılınca, günışığı gelmeden önce başka bir 2 ya da 3 günlük bir dönem yaşayacaksınız. Bu dönemde hava akşam karanlığı gibi olacak. İlk adımınızı attığınızda daha önceki gibi ayaklarınızın artık yere değmediğini farkedeceksiniz. Havada sıçrayabildiğinizi, bir süre orada kalabildiğinizi, yavaşça yere inebildiğinizi keşfedeceksiniz. Yeni enerjinin hala yoğun olduğu bölümler olacak, yani bazen aldatıcı durumlar olabilir.
Bedeninizin içinde hareket eden bir şey hissedeceksiniz, ve bedeninizi içinizde ışık saçan bu yeni enerji ile doldurabildiğinizi keşfedeceksiniz. Yeni sizi içine çeken bu yeni hissi seveceksiniz.
Bu yenilikle baş etmeyi yeni realitede size yardımcı olacak öğretmenlerin rehberliğinde öğrenmeniz iki yıldan dört yıla kadar bir zaman dilimi gerektirecek. Bu öğretmenler paylaştıkları için onurlandırılacaklar ve siz de onları takdir edeceksiniz. Şimdi neden hepimizin derslerimizi Geçişten önce tamamlamamız gerektiğini anlamaya başlıyor musunuz? Böylece, daha sonra bunları deneyimlemeye gerek kalmayacak.
Tamamlanmamış her deneyimi direkt olarak bu yeni realiteye taşıyacaksınız, bu nedenle Geçişten önce mümkün olduğunca hazır olun ki diğerleri yeni hızda ilerlerken siz değerli vaktinizi onlarla boşa harcamayın.
Onca zaman geçmesine rağmen neden hala acıkmadığınızı merak edeceksiniz. En ufak bir açlık hissetmemekle kalmayıp, vücudunuzdaki yağlar / şişmanlık da, hepsi olmasa da çoğu, yok olacak. En sonunda açlık duyduğunuzda, Yaratıcının bizim için yetiştirdiklerini yemek ihtiyacı hissettiğinizi fark edeceksiniz. Aslında hep orada olan ama daha önce asla farkedemediğiniz bitkileri göreceksiniz. Birini alacak, ağzınıza atacaksınız ve o da yavaşça ağzınızda çözülecek ve siz de enerjisinin sisteminizde ortaya çıkışını hissedeceksiniz. Ve sonra birden değişik nefes aldığınızı fark edeceksiniz. Nefesiniz başınızın tepesinden gelecek ve alışılmadık bir biçimde tamamen bedeninizi dolduracak. Böylece, Geçişten sonraki ilk birkaç gün, daha önce deneyimlediğinizden, alışık olduğunuzdan farklı olan her şeyle işlev görmeyi öğrenmekle geçecek.
Bir çok yeni şey, yeni ve aydınlanmış düşüncelerinizi meşgul edecek. Bütün düşünme sisteminiz fazlasıyla açık olacak, ve hafızanız hazır olduğunuzun da ötesinde olacak. Yaklaşık 2000 yıl boyunca Dördüncü Boyutun zevkine varacaksınız.
Genel anlamda, dostlarım, bu sarsıcı bir dönem gibi görünmesine rağmen, (bu dönem) toplu aydınlanma sürecinin başlangıcıdır. Hepiniz, bir çok yaşam boyunca yükselişin tamamını hatırlamak için hazırlanıyorsunuz. Hiçbir şey boşa gitmemiştir. Derslerinizi büyük bir ilgiyle ve istekle öğrenin, böylece eski bavullarınızı yeni ve heyecan verici çağa taşımamış olursunuz.
Her birinizin yaşam planı belli başlı deneyimleri içerir ve her deneyim yeni bir anlayış düzeyi yaratmak için tasarlanmıştır. Bir dersi kısa kesmeyi seçtiğiniz her seferinde, o ders, daha sonra üstünde çalışasınız diye yeni realiteye ertelenir. Deneyimleme ihtimallerini asla geri çevirmeyin.
Her şeyin geçmişte hayalini kurduğunuz bir yere taşınmış olduğu yeni bir enerjide uyandığınızı düşünün. Çevrenize baktığınızda ve hayatın potansiyellerini incelediğinizde, hayat göz alıcı güzelliktedir. Ve sonra, yeni bedeninizi ve onun yeni enerjideki yetilerini anlamaya başlarsınız. Her nasılsa, tamamlanmamış öğrenim durumuna uygun olarak, Yüksek Benliğiniz, daha önce kaçtığınız belli başlı deneyimleri tekrarlamak zorunda olduğunuz bir plan yapar. Tüm varlığınızla yeni enerjiyi deneyimlemek / yaşamak isterken, bütün dersler tam öğrenilmeden bir adım dahi ileri gidemeyeceksiniz. Bu yüzden hiç bir ihtimali göz ardı etmeyin. Yüksek Benliğinizin sizin için yarattığı her şeyi büyük bir arzuyla tamamen öğrendiğinizden emin olun, çünkü bu sizin yeni bin-yıla girişinize izin verecek.
Foton Kuşağı Nibiru ve Marduk Etkisi

Sümerler tarafından, Nibiru, yani geçiş gezegeni ismi verilen, Babil astronomları tarafından ise Marduk olarak adlandırılan gezegendir. 2012 yılında dünyaya yakın geçiş yapacağı öne sürülmektedir. Zecharia Sitcin tarafından yapılan araştırmalara konu olmuştur. Dünyadan 4 kat daha büyük olduğu ve güneş çevresindeki turunun 3600 yıllık periyoda sahip olduğu bu araştırmalarda ortaya atılmıştır. Sitchin,Mısır ve Mezopotamya'daki araştırmaları esnasında eski uygarlıkların da bu gezegenden haberdar olduğunu saptamıştır.
Türkiye'de de yazar Burak Eldem konu ile ilgili bir kitap yazmış ve bu gezegenin eski uygarlıklar dönemindeki önemi ve 2012 yılında yapacağı öne sürülen yakın geçişle ilgili teoriler sunmuştur.
Teorilere göre 10. gezegen denen Nibiru (NASA'nın 2001 KX76 olarak katalogladığı gezegen) güneş etrafındaki 3657 yıllık her dönüşünüde dünya'ya yakın olarak gelip geçerken dünya üzerinde türlü felaketlere sebep olmaktadır. Bu seferki geçiş ise kimilerine göre 2012 yılında gerçekleşecektir. Güneş sistemimizdeki elemanlar olarak Zecheria Sitchin Güneş'i ve Ay'ı da cisim olarak ele aldığında 11 cisim söz konusu olmaktadır. Nibiru'yu bu sisteme eklediğinde 12 sayısına ulaşılmaktadır (Sümer tabletlerini çeviren Sitchin'e göre). Güneş ve Ay'ı saymazsak 9 gezegenden oluşan güneş sistemimizde Nibiru 10. Gezegen olmaktadır. Zecheria Sitchin'in kitabında anlatılan 12. Gezegen ile bugün tartışılan 10. Gezegen aynı gezegendir. Son zamanlardaki, Güneş sistemimizdeki gezegenlerin parlaklıklarındaki artış, Jüpiter'in uyduları ile arasında iyonize bir bağlantı oluşması, gezegenlerin manyetik çekim güçlerindeki artış, Jüpiter, Uranüs ve Neptün atmosferlerindeki sıradışı değişiklikler dünya üzerinden teleskoplarla izlenmektedir. Son aylarda tüm dünya'da görülen atmosferik anormallikler ve çeşitli büyüklükteki depremlerin yoğunluk kazanması ile ilgili açıklamalar 10. gezegenin gelişi ile ilgilidir.
Karşımıza çıkan herhangi bir sağlam bilimsel veri yok. Tüm kaynaklarda bilimsel bir kanıtın öne sürülmediğinden bahsediliyor, zira geçerli kanıtlar da yok deniliyor. Elde olan tek şey birkaç bilim adamı ve astronomun tezlerinden ve araştırmalarından ibaret. Zaten bu konu üzerinde araştırmalar yapan bilim adamları da bulundukları yerlerden uzaklaştırılmışlar. Elde olan veriler, bilinen döngünün 26.ooo yıl olduğu, bu geçişin belirtisi olan Schumann Rezonansı'nın değişimi ve Foton Kuşağı içerisinde bulunan yıldızların varlığından ibaret. Açıkça bir kanıt ortaya konulamamış. Foton Kuşağı güçlü elektromanyetik radyasyona sahiplik eden yoğun bir uzay boşluğu ve bazı x-ışınlarını da içermekte. Galaksi içerisine akan manyetik bir ışık olarak ta tanımlayabiliriz.
Edmun Halley tarafından keşfedildi
Keşif, ingiliz astronom Sir Edmund Halley'in (1656-1742) günlerinde başlayan Pleiades çalışmalarıyla başladı. Halley, bu yıldız grubundaki 3 yıldızın Yunanlılar tarafından belirtilen yıldızlar arasında bulunmadığını ortaya çıkardı. Yunan astronomlar ya da Halley yanılmış olabilir miydi? 1991 yılında yayınlanan bir makalede sunulan diagrama göre 6 yıldız; Merope, Atlas, Teygeta, Electra, Coeleno ve güneşimiz Pleiades'in bir yıldızı olan Alcyone'nin yörüngesindeler.Daha sonra Halley şu sonuca vardı: Pleiades takımı belli bir hareket sistemiyle ilerliyordu. Bu tez, Frederick Wilhelm tarafından onaylandı. Pleiades, her yüzyıl için 5.5 saniye kesin bir hareketle döngüsüne devam ediyordu.
Altı gün içinde Dünya'nın tamamen değişeceği iddia ediliyor
Foton Kuşağı etkisine ilk kez Atlantis devrinde girildiği sanılıyor
Kuşağın başlangıç noktası, küçük bir atom parçası ve onun yörüngesinde olan bir grup elektrondan ibaret. İngiliz fizikçi Paul Adrian Maurice Dirac, her bir partikül için bir anti-partikül bulunduğunu öne sürmüştü. 1932'de Carl David Anderson bu anti-partikülü buldu ve ona "positron" adını verdi. 1956'da anti-proton ve anti-nötron keşfedildi. Bir anti-partkül şekillendiğinde, sıradan bir partiküller evreninde meydana gelir ve bu, bir elektronla buluşup çarpışmasından önce bir anlıktır. Bu çiftin toplam kütlesi "Foton" formunda enerjiye dönüşür. Bu yeni ve önceden görülmemiş bir enerji kaynağı gücü sunar.
1961 yılında uydu kaynaklı araçlar tarafından bir foton kuşağı keşfedildi. Bu kuşağın gezegenimizden 400 ışık yılı uzakta olduğu açıklandı. Astronom Jose Comas Sola yedi yıldızlı Pleiades takımı üzerinde özel bir çalışma yaptı ve bir sistem oluşturduklarını keşfetti, ki bizim güneşimiz ve daha pek çok yıldız da bu sistemin parçalarıydılar ve her biri kendi gezegensel sistemlerine sahipti. Güneşimiz bu sistem yörüngesini 24.000 yılda tamamlıyor. Bu 24.000 yıl iki bölümde alınıyor; 10.000 yılı karanlık (ya da Galaktik Gece), 2000 yıl ise Foton Kuşağı'nın ışığında geçirildiği sanılıyor. Ve bazı bilim adamları tarafından, bulunduğumuz dönemin ışık bölgesine geçiş olduğu tahmin edilmekte. Tahmin edildiğine göre böyle bir olay dünyanın oluşumundan beri bir kez deneyimlendi ve bu tarihin de Atlantis devrine rastladığı öne sürülüyor.
Foton Kuşağı temel olarak 3 elementi içermekte. İlki, "Null Zone" (sıfır bölgesi). Bu bölge, madde ve madde olmayan parçaların kuşağın proton parçalarını oluşturmak için çarpıştıkları bölge. Burası ayrıca Pleiades yıldız sisteminin elektromanyetik alanlarının etkisiz bırakıldığı yer. Bu süreç, bilinçlilik seviyelerimizi değiştirecek ve evren yapısına farklı bir açıdan bakmamızı sağlayacak. Diğer bölme ise foton ırmağı ile sıfır bölgesinin (null zone) iç kenarı arasında olan akım alanı. Bu bölgeye geçişle daha yüksek boyuta geçiş imkanına sahip olunacak.
Age of Exploding myth of The Photon Belt

Avid reader of Nexus Digest May well to recall an article entitled "The Photon Belt Story," in the February edition in 1991.
I read the article with amusement and laughed it off as a joke, but I have recently become aware that many people take this article seriously and that it was the cause for some concern.
I'm sorry to say that this story as romantic as it may be, has absolutely no basis in fact. It seems that a part of modern mythology, which arose around the Pleiades, an open star cluster in the constellation Taurus, the Bull, in contrast to the current scientific knowledge. This mythology seems to be based on an intoxicating mix of pseudo-science, channeling messages from alleged space facilities, biblical prophecy, ignorance and a liberal dose of naivete. There is a general mistrust of our scientific community and misinterpretation of scientific thinking.
It is a sad reflection of science education in our society that so many people can be taken in by a story that probably began life as a student's prank.
For the benefit of those readers who do not read the article, in brief, it goes as follows:
In 1961, satellite-born instruments discovered a photon BAND in space. This PHOTON belt or MANASIC RING, the scientists were unable to reproduce in the lab, orbits the Pleiades and extends over 400 light years to our solar system. Quoting deadline someone named José Comas Sola, our solar orbit was told this system and all these stars were said to have planets. Our Sunday has been said about this system orbit in 24,000 years. During this time we spend 10,000 years alternately in the darkness and 2000 in light of the PHOTON belt. We have said that they, in the light of the PHOTON BELT, whereupon, we would all be converted in the Wink of an eye "in Atmosphereans and night does not exist anymore, among others.
A chart showing accompanies the article 6 of the Pleiadian stars, Merope, Atlas, Maya, Teygeta, Electra, Coeleno and our own sun in orbit around Alcyone, also a member of the Pleiades, surrounded by the PHOTON belt.
According been contacted by several members of the public with questions about this story, I decided to sort the fact from fiction and pursue the story on his "home.
The article was reprinted with permission from the Australian UFO Research Flying Saucer magazine. A phone number had been given. The telephone number turned out that a prominent South Australian UFO researcher who told me that the story originally written by a university student who was a member of his group at the time. This student is now apparently a physicist at a well-known nuclear facility. The UFO researcher was not clear where the student had the information and had attempted to verify the IT aspects with an astronomer at Mount Stromlo Observatory. I was not able to determine what aspects actually been confirmed.
Fortunately, the astronomer concerned was known to me, so I paid him a visit. He vaguely recalled in an interview with the researcher, but could not remember the exact details of the conversation. He assured me he would never have verified the existence of the PHOTON BELT, May, but him some information about himself the Pleiades. He told me that Mount Stromlo also had questions about the PHOTON Belt and, like me, the whole thing as a cruel joke.
So, what is reality and what is fiction? Well, for a start, I was unable to find any evidence for a satellite in 1961, the instruments required to PHOTON BAND as described. Satellites of the era were crude by today's standards and were more with telecommunications, operating mainly in radio wavelengths.
Subsequent satellites and probes, with its sophisticated instrumentation, would certainly be in a position PHOTON BELT, however, no such case has ever been reported. This is not a case of scientists around secrets, it is simply because they have never been discovered.
According to other information I have received, this is supposed to be PHOTON BELT with a ELECTROMAGNETIC ZERO-ZONE. This zone is said that a power vacuum, completely lacking in electromagnetic fields. If it exists, this NULL ZONE would certainly have shown up in the sky many polls, which in recent years on the Cosmic Microwave Background. This background radiation is remarkable because it is so evenly distributed across the entire sky. The electromagnetic NULL ZONE does not exist!
The PHOTON BELT was also described as MANASIC ring, a phenomenon that scientists have not yet been able to reproduce with laboratory experiments. " I have not been able to determine the meaning of the word "manasic." I can only guess that it derives from the word MANA. It is hardly surprising that this does not happen is new in a laboratory, as nobody really seems to know what MANA is beyond its dictionary definition as a mysterious power.
And so on the Pleiades themselves. José Comas Sola, whoever he may be, was either completely wrong or misquoted. Our sun is not part of the Pleiades system, not even orbit the Pleiades per 24,000 years.
The Pleiades are about 125 parsecs, or 407.5 light years from our solar system. A quick calculation shows that if our sun were in this orbit, then its orbital speed would be 0.107C, or slightly more than one tenth of the speed of light. This corresponds to about 32,000 km / sec This speed would seem, not only for astronomers, but at all how the constellations would change dramatically in the course of a single life, if this would be true.
The Pleiades is a loose group of about 100 stars, with an average age of an estimated 78 million years. It is very young stars, much younger than our own sun, an estimated 5 billion years old, much younger, as well as our own planet Earth.
These are very hot, bright stars of spectral type B, much hotter and about 10 times more massive than our sun, spectral G. If you are not away from the interstellar gas cloud, or nebula, from which they formed. Remains of this nebula is readily apparent in photographs of the group. It was suggested that this nebulosity fog, shining with the light of the stars in, is what has led to the myth of the PHOTON belt.
Study of proper motions of these stars, or their movement through space, have shown that they are in the process of dispersion. There is no evidence that these stars orbiting Alcyone, as shown in the diagram. It must also be said that there was no evidence for a planet to one of these stars. It may well be that planetary systems May evolve around some of these stars, but it must be remembered that these are very young stars and planetary formation May also a lot longer than stellar education. It seems unlikely that habitable planets have time to get there. 78 million years is a very short time on the cosmological or geological time scale.
It is very gratifying to think of our planet from the darkness and into the light, although I do not believe that our nocturnal fauna would agree. It is much better for all of us to enlightenment in us. Such enlightenment can not be imposed by external forces. A flood of photons from the Pleiades is not the world, nor is it its inhabitants into enlightened Atmosphereans. We must solve our problems ourselves.
The Photon Belt Info Compilation
Yes, we are moving in a zone in space, the band of photon energy. Our star moves in this band for over 2000 years and this event happens about every 11,000 years. The last time we were in was Atlantis. The 11000th Year from the photon belt she calls the galactic night. Our Star concept is the 8th Pleadian star in the STAR Group. Our star Cirl the star Alcyon, as well as other pleadian stars. Alcyon is in the phton belt all the time. Others are in and for different periods depending on their orbit. The experience we have on Earth at this time is extremely valuable for the breadth of experience in traffic between dimensions that happens, because we are in and out of the photon belt. Trillions of souls trying to get into a position for this trip.
We begin to enter the photon belt now and is fully integrated into the belt all the time from 2012. In the photon belt of the walls between the various dimension will always be thin or non-existent. One of the things that must happen, as we saw in the photon belt is that we have to master the 4th Dimension and integrate it into this planet. The transition into and out of the photon belt is characterized by radical weather patterns, earth changes, and this is particulaly be interesting as the 4th dimensional world begins with the rainfall on our own 3rd dimensional reality. The elements of the 4th each is individually prefer, you can "see" and interact with depends entirely on our consciousness. We could attract a room full of little devils with pitch-fork or a room full of angels. The 4th Dimension is polarized like the 3rd Dimension and nature at the level of the 4th Dimension there own agendas.
From assisitance and blessings for the final interference with our development. Our state of consciousness is the most important thing. You empahisizes all this. It has also stressed that "they are here NOW. She said timing for this event is not important, as we are, from an awareness perspective, we are already in it. Timing is also shifting our perception. You said that the peak activity of the earth would change from 1998 to 2001. She spoke about the dimensions of this way: 1-dimension mineral-rich awareness of the body resonance of the earth "mother", the crystals on 2nd the plant kingdom-conscious feeling of mother earth, concerning the interaction and communication with plants, ie Findhorn 3rd - Time and space-awareness of the dominance of linear time "is here now" polarized POS and NEG 4.-the nonphysical realm of archetypes, guides, and nonphysical beings. Access by guides, archetypes, angels - also polarized and POS NEG 5th consiousness of the cosmic cycles and patterns accessed when awareness of the cosmic pattern 6.-consciousness of "web-weaving" or awareness of certain solemn precipation pattern. ie crop circles are precipitating glyphs and symbols meant to awaken certain patterns of consciousness in us. Sacred working on other global spots. 7.-consciounsess of unity-door way to other institutions of higher dimensions. The sacred work here is to find and re-united with our twin soul. She said it is important to recognize that there is no hierarchy of dimensions, one is not better or more important than another.
Once the photon belt, we have access to all these dimensions of consciousness. THE STORY PHOTON BELT people around the world are grasping, reaching out for small pieces of knowledge, enlightenment, hope for the future of their children in a world of increasing environmental degradation, drugs, rape, murder, etc. The prophets preach the damnation of physical Terror and destruction. It is like a huge vortex, a great sucking spiral ever downward, blackness, despair. They look upward, the light at the top and grasp and claw your way to get out of that ever quickening pull of despair. The truth is sometimes so simple that we are past, ignore it and try to find a much more complicated answer, when the whole time, he is there, staring you right in the face, your passport from the Vortex in the future.
Everything starts with a small atom and the group of little electrons that orbit around him. English physicist Paul Dirac Adrain Maurice, said that for each type of particle, an anti-particle will be. In 1932, Carl David Anderson discovered the anti-electron and called it a positron. In 1956, the anti-anti-protons and neutrons were discovered. When an anti-particle is formed, it comes into existence in a universe of ordinary particles, and it is only a matter of time ... a fraction of a second ... before they met and collides with an electron. Repeal the fees, the total mass of the pair is in power in the form of photons. This offers a new and unprecedented powerful source of energy.
The PHOTON is about to the way of life in the very near future. A photon BAND has been in space in 1961 with the help of satellite born instruments. We will now turn to the Pleiades .... The seven sisters ... an estimated 400 light-years from here. This group of stars is the basis of mythology in many countries ... the Greek gods, Australian Dreamtime, Chinese mythology. I quote from just a few astronomers: José Comas Sola, a special study on the Pleiades and discovered that a system of which our sun is part and also several other suns, and seems to have their own planetary systems research . Freidrich Wilhelm Bessel showed that the members of this group had a proper application of 5.5 seconds of arc per century in the same direction. Isaac Asimov ... "We can assume that all stars in this cluster are the same chronological age." Edmund Halley, studying the position of the stars, noted that at least three stars were not in the spots by the Greeks.
The difference was so great that it is unlikely that either the Greeks or Halley could have made a mistake. It seemed very clear to Halley that these stars within a system. Paul Otto Hesse also a special study on this system, of which our sun is a part, and discovered the absolute right angles to the movements of the sun, a photon belt or MANASIC RING, a phenomenon that scientists still was not able , To reproduce with laboratory experiments. It takes our sun 24,000 years to orbit, (the system) and it is divided into sections. The 10,000 years of darkness is the time, as we know it now, daytime, at night, the 2000-year period of all light; again, 10,000 years of darkness, and 2000 years of light
We are now to in these PHOTON BELT between now and the end of this century. We have the full circle and are back on top. It is described in detail in the Bible, through books on mythology, from Nostradamus, and by modern scholars. If the soil in the first PHOTON BELT, the sky is on fire, but be assured, this light is cold, so there will be no heat. When the sun in the first, it will immediately darkness, which, from our speed through space, it takes 110 hours. The interaction between the solar radiation and the PHOTON BELT, the sky look as if it is full of falling stars. Because the soil in these radiation belts, all molecules will be excited, all atoms will change the situation becomes fluorescent substances, it is constant light. There can be no darkness, not in the deepest cave, not within the human body. A glance at the Christian Bible: "All the stars will fall from the sky and the sky is no longer ...." It is expected that the rotation of the earth may be a little bit. Because of the reduced solar radiation, the temperature is expected to be cooler and ice caps is expected that at about latitude 40 in both hemispheres. Their history books will tell you that at least five ice ages, and they seem on the last 2000 years. It should be noted that the World Communication Center, fixed satellites, U.S. bases and experimental sights are within the "safe zone". Design or accident? What about you?
There are three kinds of people in our cosmos: physical, as we noted, human; atmospherean, even sound to a point, but the molecular structure is very different; ethereans, no mass at all. If we in the Photon Belt, a normal healthy person is expected that the sense jolt similar to put your finger in a live light socket, and the transformation is complete - you have just a physical person for a atmospherean person ( "and so it should be amended to immortality without the separation of death in a moment). Theologians have in great depth on Biblical characters, and argue that they have lived in this period of light. The sky and the atmosphere was different and seemingly never rained. Nostradamus, in his quatrains about the end of the world as we know it in 1999: "and there will be no more rain, but in 40 years, all will be normal." In the mythology of the Aborigines, it is said, "The men were different, what they are now, we had a bridge to the stars." In all their stories if they coincided with the Chief or older, they fled into the sky. Thus the Greeks. It seems that the space is simply within the photon belt. The year 1962 was the year that we are within the influence of the Photon Belt. 1962 was a year of great UFO activity. Have we come within reach of space travelers with the Photon Belt?
As we hurtle closer and closer, more UFO's looking forward to put our rebirth in the years of light. It seems that this is already happening. Erich von Däniken, during a visit to South America, discovered a tribe with an object to them by Sky People thousands of years ago. They were told to keep it clean and "if it hums like thousands of swarms of bees, we will return." It began quietly humming three years ago (ie, 1978). A cosmic alarm alerting us to the coming of the light? It appears that some civilizations May live permanently with the light. If our planet leaves this period of light and return to the 10,000 years of darkness, do it back into the light and wait for our eventual re-entry. It seems likely.
The Mayas deceased hurry with the news of her return, which scientists say is now imminent. Petroglyphs throughout the world show drawings similar to the system of Alcione. Ball Lightning ... a phenomenon over which little is known, it is perhaps little pockets of the Photon Belt? To all UFO researchers, these vehicles will always have an interest in nuclear facilities. What happens to a reactor within the belt? I think all our scientists are progressing. Photon energy seems to be the energy of the future. Many UFO reports suggest Photon rockets on experimental craft "the headlights were on the back." The reports give slow, cumbersome craft, but within the Photon Belt, I think we have crafts for immediate unlimited space. As the rays of our sun will be changed by the photon energy, this is why our scientists only pay lip service to small development of solar energy? Let us about our planet and from the light in the darkness. Aboriginal mythology says: "We were cast out into darkness and were much afraid, so that the gods gave us a Sunday to get warm and a moon to see at night." If the ice caps in the form of light years, then increased solar radiation, leaving the belt must surely the ice melt ... Floods. If it does not rain within this period of light, it is understandable why Noah was so intimidated by the sight of that first rainbow. The Gilgamesh speaks of a great flood, but it was apparently more than 10,000 years before Noah's flood. We have thought about our world and the impact on an individual person, but what about humanity as a whole?
It is conceivable that many people will not survive the first shock, when they are not prepared for them. If the ice extends to latitude 40, that covers half of the U.S., and most of Europe and Asia. That is a lot of people without a home. Will they be accepted in other countries? In a limited area of fertility, it will be possible to support the untold millions? I do not think so. And so tomorrow ....
We begin to enter the photon belt now and is fully integrated into the belt all the time from 2012. In the photon belt of the walls between the various dimension will always be thin or non-existent. One of the things that must happen, as we saw in the photon belt is that we have to master the 4th Dimension and integrate it into this planet. The transition into and out of the photon belt is characterized by radical weather patterns, earth changes, and this is particulaly be interesting as the 4th dimensional world begins with the rainfall on our own 3rd dimensional reality. The elements of the 4th each is individually prefer, you can "see" and interact with depends entirely on our consciousness. We could attract a room full of little devils with pitch-fork or a room full of angels. The 4th Dimension is polarized like the 3rd Dimension and nature at the level of the 4th Dimension there own agendas.
From assisitance and blessings for the final interference with our development. Our state of consciousness is the most important thing. You empahisizes all this. It has also stressed that "they are here NOW. She said timing for this event is not important, as we are, from an awareness perspective, we are already in it. Timing is also shifting our perception. You said that the peak activity of the earth would change from 1998 to 2001. She spoke about the dimensions of this way: 1-dimension mineral-rich awareness of the body resonance of the earth "mother", the crystals on 2nd the plant kingdom-conscious feeling of mother earth, concerning the interaction and communication with plants, ie Findhorn 3rd - Time and space-awareness of the dominance of linear time "is here now" polarized POS and NEG 4.-the nonphysical realm of archetypes, guides, and nonphysical beings. Access by guides, archetypes, angels - also polarized and POS NEG 5th consiousness of the cosmic cycles and patterns accessed when awareness of the cosmic pattern 6.-consciousness of "web-weaving" or awareness of certain solemn precipation pattern. ie crop circles are precipitating glyphs and symbols meant to awaken certain patterns of consciousness in us. Sacred working on other global spots. 7.-consciounsess of unity-door way to other institutions of higher dimensions. The sacred work here is to find and re-united with our twin soul. She said it is important to recognize that there is no hierarchy of dimensions, one is not better or more important than another.
Once the photon belt, we have access to all these dimensions of consciousness. THE STORY PHOTON BELT people around the world are grasping, reaching out for small pieces of knowledge, enlightenment, hope for the future of their children in a world of increasing environmental degradation, drugs, rape, murder, etc. The prophets preach the damnation of physical Terror and destruction. It is like a huge vortex, a great sucking spiral ever downward, blackness, despair. They look upward, the light at the top and grasp and claw your way to get out of that ever quickening pull of despair. The truth is sometimes so simple that we are past, ignore it and try to find a much more complicated answer, when the whole time, he is there, staring you right in the face, your passport from the Vortex in the future.
Everything starts with a small atom and the group of little electrons that orbit around him. English physicist Paul Dirac Adrain Maurice, said that for each type of particle, an anti-particle will be. In 1932, Carl David Anderson discovered the anti-electron and called it a positron. In 1956, the anti-anti-protons and neutrons were discovered. When an anti-particle is formed, it comes into existence in a universe of ordinary particles, and it is only a matter of time ... a fraction of a second ... before they met and collides with an electron. Repeal the fees, the total mass of the pair is in power in the form of photons. This offers a new and unprecedented powerful source of energy.
The PHOTON is about to the way of life in the very near future. A photon BAND has been in space in 1961 with the help of satellite born instruments. We will now turn to the Pleiades .... The seven sisters ... an estimated 400 light-years from here. This group of stars is the basis of mythology in many countries ... the Greek gods, Australian Dreamtime, Chinese mythology. I quote from just a few astronomers: José Comas Sola, a special study on the Pleiades and discovered that a system of which our sun is part and also several other suns, and seems to have their own planetary systems research . Freidrich Wilhelm Bessel showed that the members of this group had a proper application of 5.5 seconds of arc per century in the same direction. Isaac Asimov ... "We can assume that all stars in this cluster are the same chronological age." Edmund Halley, studying the position of the stars, noted that at least three stars were not in the spots by the Greeks.
The difference was so great that it is unlikely that either the Greeks or Halley could have made a mistake. It seemed very clear to Halley that these stars within a system. Paul Otto Hesse also a special study on this system, of which our sun is a part, and discovered the absolute right angles to the movements of the sun, a photon belt or MANASIC RING, a phenomenon that scientists still was not able , To reproduce with laboratory experiments. It takes our sun 24,000 years to orbit, (the system) and it is divided into sections. The 10,000 years of darkness is the time, as we know it now, daytime, at night, the 2000-year period of all light; again, 10,000 years of darkness, and 2000 years of light
We are now to in these PHOTON BELT between now and the end of this century. We have the full circle and are back on top. It is described in detail in the Bible, through books on mythology, from Nostradamus, and by modern scholars. If the soil in the first PHOTON BELT, the sky is on fire, but be assured, this light is cold, so there will be no heat. When the sun in the first, it will immediately darkness, which, from our speed through space, it takes 110 hours. The interaction between the solar radiation and the PHOTON BELT, the sky look as if it is full of falling stars. Because the soil in these radiation belts, all molecules will be excited, all atoms will change the situation becomes fluorescent substances, it is constant light. There can be no darkness, not in the deepest cave, not within the human body. A glance at the Christian Bible: "All the stars will fall from the sky and the sky is no longer ...." It is expected that the rotation of the earth may be a little bit. Because of the reduced solar radiation, the temperature is expected to be cooler and ice caps is expected that at about latitude 40 in both hemispheres. Their history books will tell you that at least five ice ages, and they seem on the last 2000 years. It should be noted that the World Communication Center, fixed satellites, U.S. bases and experimental sights are within the "safe zone". Design or accident? What about you?
There are three kinds of people in our cosmos: physical, as we noted, human; atmospherean, even sound to a point, but the molecular structure is very different; ethereans, no mass at all. If we in the Photon Belt, a normal healthy person is expected that the sense jolt similar to put your finger in a live light socket, and the transformation is complete - you have just a physical person for a atmospherean person ( "and so it should be amended to immortality without the separation of death in a moment). Theologians have in great depth on Biblical characters, and argue that they have lived in this period of light. The sky and the atmosphere was different and seemingly never rained. Nostradamus, in his quatrains about the end of the world as we know it in 1999: "and there will be no more rain, but in 40 years, all will be normal." In the mythology of the Aborigines, it is said, "The men were different, what they are now, we had a bridge to the stars." In all their stories if they coincided with the Chief or older, they fled into the sky. Thus the Greeks. It seems that the space is simply within the photon belt. The year 1962 was the year that we are within the influence of the Photon Belt. 1962 was a year of great UFO activity. Have we come within reach of space travelers with the Photon Belt?
As we hurtle closer and closer, more UFO's looking forward to put our rebirth in the years of light. It seems that this is already happening. Erich von Däniken, during a visit to South America, discovered a tribe with an object to them by Sky People thousands of years ago. They were told to keep it clean and "if it hums like thousands of swarms of bees, we will return." It began quietly humming three years ago (ie, 1978). A cosmic alarm alerting us to the coming of the light? It appears that some civilizations May live permanently with the light. If our planet leaves this period of light and return to the 10,000 years of darkness, do it back into the light and wait for our eventual re-entry. It seems likely.
The Mayas deceased hurry with the news of her return, which scientists say is now imminent. Petroglyphs throughout the world show drawings similar to the system of Alcione. Ball Lightning ... a phenomenon over which little is known, it is perhaps little pockets of the Photon Belt? To all UFO researchers, these vehicles will always have an interest in nuclear facilities. What happens to a reactor within the belt? I think all our scientists are progressing. Photon energy seems to be the energy of the future. Many UFO reports suggest Photon rockets on experimental craft "the headlights were on the back." The reports give slow, cumbersome craft, but within the Photon Belt, I think we have crafts for immediate unlimited space. As the rays of our sun will be changed by the photon energy, this is why our scientists only pay lip service to small development of solar energy? Let us about our planet and from the light in the darkness. Aboriginal mythology says: "We were cast out into darkness and were much afraid, so that the gods gave us a Sunday to get warm and a moon to see at night." If the ice caps in the form of light years, then increased solar radiation, leaving the belt must surely the ice melt ... Floods. If it does not rain within this period of light, it is understandable why Noah was so intimidated by the sight of that first rainbow. The Gilgamesh speaks of a great flood, but it was apparently more than 10,000 years before Noah's flood. We have thought about our world and the impact on an individual person, but what about humanity as a whole?
It is conceivable that many people will not survive the first shock, when they are not prepared for them. If the ice extends to latitude 40, that covers half of the U.S., and most of Europe and Asia. That is a lot of people without a home. Will they be accepted in other countries? In a limited area of fertility, it will be possible to support the untold millions? I do not think so. And so tomorrow ....
22 Aralık 2008 Pazartesi
Foton Kuşağı Nedir ?

Yüksek enerjili fotonlardan oluşan büyük bir kuşak. 2012 yılında güneş sistemimiz tüm gezegenleri ile birlikte bu kuşağa girdiğinde dünyamızın ozon deliği onarılacak ve tüm yaşam 3. boyuttan 5. boyuta geçecek. İnsanların 2 sarmallı DNA'ları ikişerli olarak biraraya gelip 12 sarmallı bir DNA'ya sahip olacaklar. Bu olay sırasında tüm insanların chakra'ları açılacak ve duyuları ve algılamaları artacak. Herkes birbirinin düşüncesini okuyabilecek. Bu ilk önce kısa süren bir kaosa neden olacak fakat daha sonra herkes bir düşünce birliği halinde bir araya gelerek, önyargının, yalanın ve kötü düşüncelerin olmadığı bir ortama geçilecek. İnsanlar birbirinin auralarını görebilecekler. 12 sarmallı DNA'ya geçiş sonrası insanlarda hiçbir hastalık kalmayacak, hasta olanlar kendilerini ve birbirlerini iyileştirebilecekler. İnsanlar ölümsüz olacaklar. Ölüm olayı ise fiziksel dünya'da kalmaktan vazgeçip başka bir boyuta geçmeye karar verme şeklinde olacak. Yani, dünya'da geri kalanlar (kalmayı seçenler) ölmeye (başka boyut gitmeye) karar verenlerin ortadan bir anda kaybolduğunu görecekler. Fiziksel dünyamızda kalmayı seçen insanların ışık bedenleri olacak ve bu cennete benzeyen ışıklı dünyada çok güzel vakit geçirecekler. Fiziksel olarak 2000 yıl sürecek olan bu olay sonrasında foton kuşağı güneş sistemimizi terkedecek.
Foton kuşağı ilk kez ingiliz astronom Edmund Halley (1656-1742) yılında Pleiades takımyıldızlarını kuşatan gazımsı bir kuşak olarak gözlendi (Halley kuyruklu yıldızını da keşfeden astronom). Fredrick Wilhelm Bessel ise foton kuşağının dönüş hızını keşfetti (herbir yüzyılda 5.5 derece saniye). Jose Comas Sol Pleiades takımyıldızındaki güneş sistemlerini keşfetti. Paul Otto Hesse foton kuşağının kalınlığını saptadı (2000 ışık yılı). Güneş sistemimiz her 25.860 yılda bir Pleiades çevresinde bir tur dönmektedir. Yani, yaklaşık olarak her 12.500 yılda bir güneş sistemimiz bu foton kuşağının içine girer. Güneş sistemimizin foton kuşağının içindeki yolculuğu 2000 sene kadar sürer. Yani, foton kuşağından çıktıktan sonra tekrar foton kuşağına girmek için 10.500 yıl geçmektedir. Bu devrelerin alt devreleri de vardır ama üst devre 206 milyon yıl sürer.
Foton kuşağının kendisinin de aurası var ve ilk aura katmanına (enerji seviyesine) 1962 yılında dünyamız (ve tüm güneş sistemimiz) girmiş durumda. Yani şu anda foton kuşağının düşük enerjili ilk kısmının içinde bulunuyoruz. Dünya'mız ikinci enerji seviyesine ise 1987 yılında girdi. 2012 yılında üçüncü enerji seviyesine girmesi sırasında 110-144 saat (5-6 gün) boyunca karanlıkta kalacağız. Üçüncü enerji seviyesine (foton kuşağının kendisinin bulunduğu esas enerjili kısım) girildiğinde ise karanlık sona erecek ve artık hiç gece olmayacak yeryüzünde. Sırasıyla yazarsak:
1. gün: 21 Aralık 2012'de kör bölgeye giriş, tüm canlıların beden tipinin değişmesi, hiçbir elektrik aygıtının çalışmaması, tam karanlık
2. gün: Atmosfer basıncının düşmesi, herkesin kendisini şişmiş hissetmesi, Güneş'in yeterli ısıtamaması, dünya ikliminin soğuması (buzul çağı soğuğu)
3.-4. gün: Atmosferin şafak vakti gibi sönük bir ışıkla aydınlanması, foton etkisinin başlaması, foton enerjili aygıtların çalışabilir hale geçmesi, yıldızların yeniden gökyüzünde belirmeleri.
5.-6. gün: 24 saatlik gündüz devresine giriş, kör bölgeden çıkıp ana foton kuşağına giriş, tüm canlıların güçlenip zindeleşmeleri, dünya ikliminin ısınması, foton ışınıyla çalışan gemilerin uzayda yolculuk yapmaya başlaması, telepati, telekinezi gibi psişik yeteneklerin ortaya çıkışı (uyanış, süperbilinç).
Kısaca, foton kuşağı dünya'daki tüm yaşam için çok büyük bir faydası olan, yüksek enerjili fotonlardan oluşan devasa bir kemer. Güneş sistemimiz bu kuşağa girdiği zaman tekrar çıkması 2000 sene sürecek. Foton Kuşağı (Manaşik Halka) kendi etrafındaki dönüşünü 25.860 yılda bir tamamlamakta ve güneş sistemimiz her bir 10.500 yılda bir foton kuşağına girmekte. Foton kuşağı torus şeklinde (araba lastiği biçiminde) bir kemer ve bunun kalınlığı (çapı değil, kemerin kalınlığı) 2000 ışık yılı. Önemli bir husus elektrikli hiçbir aygıtın ise foton kuşağına girildikten sonra hiçbir şekilde çalışmaması. 2000 yıl boyunca sürecek olan safhada elektrik enerjisi ile çalışacak araca ihtiyaçta olmayacak zaten. Çünkü süperbilinç halinde olma hali ve foton enerjisi kullanabilecek teknoloji ile elektrik enerjisini kullanmaya ihtiyacımız olmayacak.
Foton kuşağı (Photon Belt) konusunda daha detaylı bilgi için Virginia Essene'nin "Galaktik İnsan" kitabını tavsiye edebiliriz.
What is The Photon Belt ?

The photon belt (photon ring, manasic ring, or golden mist) is a fringe belief largely in connection with some parts of the New Age movement, a belt or ring of photons is, depending on the source of information that fully cover soil in 2011 and possibly lead to massive loss of electrical equipment with 2-3 days of total darkness or total daylight, and / or a spiritual transition (usually referred to as "a shift in consciousness," " the postponement of the age groups, "or simply" shift ", with the period up to the shift as" The Quickening "and it was also described as" zero "and ties in various prophecies, the Mayan calendar, extraterrestrial life, etc) .
The core of the photon belt beliefs is that an immense a belt of photons, and railways around the Pleiades, a star cluster some 440 light years from Earth, consisting of about 500 stars. After some New Age beliefs, earth will happen if this belt, which are either in the amount of humanity to a higher plane of existence or the end of the world, or both. Essene and Nidel write that they have a temporary window for spiritual transition in which people can reach a higher number of existence.
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